Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wow - I got an award!

Wow – my tiny blog got an award!  ED Martin has given me the Liebster Award. 

Liebster is a German word that means beloved or favorite. This is an award from fellow bloggers given to blogs that have less than 200 followers, hopefully to increase traffic to that blog. 


To accept the award, you are supposed to pass it on to five other deserving blogs and, some say, tell five things about yourself that your readers might not know.

Dr. Tanya Feke has a very cool blog that combines movie reviews with topics about staying healthy and staying/becoming positive.

Monique’s Musings is a fairly new blog by a recently published writing friend of mine.  She writes middle grade – without any vampires or werewolves or magical creatures - and has a very nice series of books going.

Neal K’s blog is totally different. And, he might have more than 200 followings, I’m not sure. Neal writes mainly about internet security and image analysis.  He’s a very stealthy guy and is always interesting to read.

In the tradition of ED, I’m stopping with three.  Most of the other blogs I follow have much bigger followings – but if you know of a good one, let me know and I’ll append it.  I’m sure that must be fine by the rules!
Now, three things about myself that aren’t too boring or too embarrassing. 

-          1. When my daughter was born, I decided to take a picture a week of her to mark her first year. I called them “Friday pictures”, since she was born on Friday. She’s eleven now, and I can’t stop. I joke with her that when she goes to college, she’ll be required to send back a picture every week. Either that or I’ll have to capture one from video Skype. It does make you realize how precious few weeks we really have!

-          2. My thumb is as brown as they come. I kill off things others say are weeds (like mint, for example).  Last year, I managed nine zucchini and a miniature pumpkin out of the garden. In spite of it, I’m still going to try again. I’d really like a nice crop of herbs…

-        3.  Because I’m from New Mexico, I know that green chile is its own food group.  I get jittery if I don’t have at least one bag of the green stuff in my freezer.  Soon, I'll post a few easy recipes for green chile. If you haven't fallen in love with it, you should.

Thanks, ED, for the prize! Now, I suppose I should advertise this blog a little better to see if I can get a few more followers :-)

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